Contribute to Federal PAC

Political engagement is a cornerstone of TechNet’s value to its members. TechNet’s Federal PAC is used to support the priorities of TechNet members, ensure the success of TechNet and member-led events, and afford TechNet the ability to build meaningful relationships with key policymakers.

Make a Donation

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Contributions to TechNet’s PACs are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions to TechNet’s PACs are used to support federal and state candidates and committees. Participation is strictly voluntary.

Federal law requires political committees to use their best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year. Individuals and political action committees (PACs) are permitted to contribute $5,000 per calendar year.

To contribute via mail, make checks payable to TechNet Federal PAC and send them to:

Law Office of Russell Miller
ATTN: Kirk Pessner
20 Park Road, Suite E
Burlingame, CA 94010